Thursday, 28 June 2012

BookCoverBeauty - What's it all about???

Hi Everyone,
Over the past 5 years I seem to have developed a habit (or addiction) of falling in love with books based on their covers. I know this goes against the saying - 'don't judge a book by it's cover', it's a fair comment but lets face it, we all do it (or at least I do).  So over the past 5 years, I have been studying my A-Levels and have been reading an English degree therefore reading what I have wanted to read has been a little difficult, and during this period of time I have managed to buy (and not read) 60 books (now do you believe me about my addiction?)!! I bought them all based on their covers, how beautiful I thought they were and of course the blurb...

So now as I am about to embark on my career in publishing (deep rooted love of anything to do with literature and publishing) I aim to read a book a month and write a review on it. I need to do justice to the story behind the cover...

I really hope you enjoy this journey of my bookshelf and the beauty of the book...